The range of core services provided by Cheka Safeguarding includes but is not limited to:-
- Independently Chairing Child Protection Conferences Looked After Children Reviews, Pathway Plan Reviews and Annual Foster Carer Reviews
- Undertaking assessments in relation to potential Foster Carers, Connected Persons, Special Guardians and Adopters.
- Undertaking Parenting Assessments
- Independent Investigations of Complaints and Representations
- Direct work with children, young people and parents / carers
- Supervision and assessment of contact
- Case Management of children and young people placed out of county within South Wales, Central Wales and the borders.
- Acting as “Critical Friends” in accordance with the Serious Concerns Protocol (WG)
- Facilitating training and learning opportunities.
- Staff Development and Mentoring
- Strategic Development and Project Management
- Independent Audits and Quality Assurance
- Facilitating Subject Access Requests
- PAMS assessments
- Independent Reviewer for Child Practice Reviews
- Provision of Chair and Independent Person for Secure Accommodation Reviews
- Specialist project management in the LEA and Children’s Services